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How to find out if you are running 32-bit or 64-bit version of MySQL

I neeeded to update MySQL, installed using an automatic installer, so having passed a lot of time after I did the installation, I needed to know which version of MySQL I was running.

I found two was:

Inside MySQL console:

mysql>show global variables like "version_compile%";

The answer was:

| Variable_name           | Value |
| version_compile_machine | x86   |
| version_compile_os      | Win64 |

As I understand this means that I am runnig x86 version of MySQL on a Windows 64 machine, so the answer for me is that I am running the 32 bit version.

x86 32 bits
i686 32 bits
x86-64 - 64 bits

The other way to get this information is using the command prompt, in your mysqld.exe location run:

mysqld --version

and you will get mostly the same information. As I understand Win64 refers to the machine I am running, and the other value to the mysql version.


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